Catalyte discusses tech training on Upskill with Edtech podcast

Two male Catalyte employees work together at a computer

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Catalyte is partnered with JFFLabs to find new and better ways of transitioning frontline retail workers into the knowledge economy and IT industry. This is one way that we’re promoting the idea of upskilling, life-long learning and providing technology industry opportunities for people with non-traditional backgrounds.

The concepts of upskilling or re-skilling are gaining prominence as companies realize that they risk falling behind unless they can help their employees get ahead.

Stephen Yadzinski, managing director for acceleration at JFFLabs, hosted a recent episode of the Upskill with Edtech podcast. In the episode “Meeting People Where They Are: Innovations in Adult Education,” Nancy Chan, Catalyte’s director of partnerships, discussed the ideas behind and benefits of our training/apprenticeship model:

We train people and then we actually hire them, with an eye towards, “What skills do they need to succeed on our projects?” Whereas, when bootcamps are training, they’re taking a guess at what most companies need in terms of skills, in terms of the tech stack, and then hoping that once they graduate these people they’ll find jobs.

You can listen to the full podcast here. Catalyte’s segment begins around the 11:10 mark.

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