Catalyte launches RetrainAmerica

Woman with long ponytail sits working at a desk

Put our talent to work

Today, Catalyte, in conjunction with various corporate, training and governmental partners, announced the formation of RetrainAmerica, a national exchange that will connect anyone – regardless of background, education or prior experience – with an opportunity to get retrained for jobs of the future. The exchange will launch in Maryland immediately, with additional states and localities joining in quick succession.Part of the solution - Retrain, reskill, employ - #RetrainAmerica

The coronavirus crisis has left many Americans in dire economic straits. Not since the Great Depression have we seen this level of unemployment and job insecurity. Businesses went into this crisis with a lack of qualified candidates for crucial jobs of the future. And local/state governments are experiencing a huge hit to tax revenues.

If we do nothing, we will come out of the crisis:

  • With a greater skills gap as companies and government find that the skilled workforce they need doesn’t exist.
  • With increased economic inequality as those with technical/digital skills are compensated more while those who were working in service economy jobs are left floundering.
  • Even more unprepared for the changes in consumer behaviors that favor digital over physical interactions.

RetrainAmerica is here to prevent that from happening. Individuals looking for new, more secure careers in the jobs of the future can register at Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll send you information on career retraining opportunities. Learn about career paths you never imagined. It’s that simple.

We’re also looking for training, employment and governmental partners. Now is time to be part of the solution and train/hire workers for jobs of the future. Let us know what programs or positions you have available and we’ll promote to our database of job seekers. Find the hidden talent others can’t.

By providing the retraining, reskilling and employment opportunities for all Americans, we can fill empty positions with qualified candidates and add better paying jobs to local tax bases. All while giving people pathways to jobs they might never have considered.

Thank you to our founding partner organizations. If you’re interested in becoming a partner, please email

– Jacob Hsu: CEO of Catalyte

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