Data services

Gain actionable insights
Two people working at a desk in front of multiple computers and monitors

Unlock the full
of your data

Data is the key to better understanding your organization and users.

However, you can only extract value and actionable insights from it when you apply business intelligence.

We help identify the metrics that are key to achieving your strategic objectives. Using a variety of analytics, data modernization, governance and visualization tools, we transform static data into a flow of real-time insights. This allows you to make faster, better informed decisions to capitalize on opportunities and harness the full power of your data.

What can we help you build?

Data services expertise

Discovery and data architecture

Know your systems.
Understand the data you have and how to better collect, transform, organize and visualize it.

Azure Data Studio logo

Microsoft Azure Data Studio

Visio logo


Technology selection and implementation

Make the right choices.
The right tools and platforms will improve your ability to derive actionable insights and drive organizational outcomes from your data.

abstract icon, three circular layers

Platform installation and configuration

abstract icon, three circular layers

Platform selection exercises

abstract icon, three circular layers

Requirements analyses

abstract icon, three circular layers

Tech stack assessments

Data transformation, ETL, pipeline automation

Save time and money.
Gain real-time actionable business intelligence by synthesizing disparate data sources and automating labor-intensive processes.

Databricks logo


Hadoop logo


Kafka logo


Azure Data Factory logo

Microsoft Azure Data Factory

Azure Synapse logo

Microsoft Azure Synapse

MongolDB logo


MySQL logo


PostgresSQL logo


Scala logo


abstract icon, three circular layers



Leverage the right metrics.
Understand past performance to better predict trends and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Databricks logo


Kafka logo


Azure Synapse logo

Microsoft Azure Synapse

Microsoft Power BI

Oracle logo


Data visualization

Understand the story.
Leverage at-a-glance insights to better understand your data and drill down to act on what’s most important.

Microsoft Power BI

IoT (internet of things)

Connect the dots.
Collect, review and parse data in real-time to optimize user expertise and take informed actions.

Kafka logo


Azure IoT logo

Microsoft Azure IoT

Data services FAQs

How can I collect the data I need from my applications?

Getting your data from source into a format and location where you can derive actionable insights is the process of extract, transform and load (ETL). Designing ETL processes is a core component of business intelligence modernization.


ETL can be applied to data from many sources, including: telemetry from automated systems or IoT devices, user preferences or demographics, transactional data from line of business systems, purchased or imported data from other systems or a combination of all of these.

How do I get business intelligence from my data?

ETL is the first step to gaining business intelligence from your data. The next step in your data strategy should be to understand what questions to ask in order to derive meaning and insight from the data.

I know what questions to ask, but how can my data answer them?

The next step in your business intelligence process is to analyze your data. Do you have sufficient data in the correct format to answer your questions? You may need to collect more and/or cross reference your data against other sets.

Client Success stories

We help organizations achieve more

Here are just some of the examples of how we’ve helped clients attain business intelligence and analytics success.

Additional solutions
Our experts connect strategy to outcomes, helping your organization become more efficient and productive.
Our consultants help you create the right cloud strategy. Our architects build you a system that delivers.
We build and modernize custom applications, focusing on user experience, data and security.
We understand the human element of your organization and create systems that enable their success.

Enhance your business intelligence.

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