Application development

Build purpose-driven software
Short haired man with dark flannel shirt holds and silver laptop while smiling at the camera

Develop applications that power results

Great applications drive growth and delight users.

Bad applications decrease competitive advantage making it harder to succeed.

Application development success starts with a clear understanding of what business problem you’re trying to solve. From there, you can build with intent.

We help you formulate and execute a purpose-driven development strategy. With a focus on user experience, security, business intelligence and scalability, we develop applications that power immediate results and set you up for continued success.

What can we help you build?

Application development expertise

Front-end development

Build cutting-edge applications and sites.
You want to stand out. You need to stand out. We build software that sets you apart from the competition.

Angular logo


Blazor logo


JavaScript logo


React logo


Ruby on Rails logo

Ruby on Rails


Vue logo


Back-end development

Create scalable, stable products.
Decouple logic and presentation to expand your applications’ reach, allowing you to iterate, not rebuild.

Microsoft .NET logo


Microsoft ASP.NET MVC logo


C# logo


C++ logo


GraphQL logo


Java logo


Node-JS logo


Python logo


Redis logo


Swagger logo


QA and test automation

Find and solve issues fast.
We build QA programs that reduce time to bug resolution from months to hours.

Apache JMeter

Cucumber logo

Cucumber logo

Gatling logo


Selenium logo



Design optimal user experiences.
We mix creativity with technical knowledge to achieve business goals and delight users.

Adobe XD logo

Adobe XD

Figma logo



InVision logo


Sketch logo


Mobile development

Unify across devices.
Build software that allows you to meet your users where they are.

React logo


Xamarin logo


IONIC logo


Swift logo

Swift/iOS Native

Adobe PhoneGap logo


Java logo

Java/Android Native

Cordova logo


API integration

Enhanced connectivity.
Integrate with vendors and business partners to extend your reach and application functionality.

GraphQL logo


Microsoft Azure logo

Microsoft Azure



SQL Server logo


Data extraction and reporting

Gain value and insights from your systems.
Drive business performance with faster, more intelligent analyses of your data.

Databricks logo


Azure Data Factory logo

Microsoft Azure Data Factory

Azure Synapse logo

Microsoft Azure Synapse

Microsoft Power BI

abstract icon, three circular layers


Application development FAQs

How can you help with application architecture?

Application architecture starts with a thorough understanding of unique requirements for rules, use cases, budget, scalability, user base, data security, longevity, availability and maintainability. Each of these affect how we design and develop applications. We carefully select tech stack, platform, services, data structures and user interfaces to meet application requirements, ensuring that we deliver a purpose-built and right-sized product.

How important is user experience in application development?

Application design should start and end with user experience. Simple UX decisions can have a profound impact on user adoption, satisfaction, quality of life, accessibility and stickiness.


To support the optimal user experience, we leverage tools and techniques such as user interviews, field studies, competitive analysis, heuristic evaluation, personas, user stories, journey mapping, wire-framing, prototyping, usability testing, A/B testing and iterative design sprints to help clients achieve their unique business goals. By fusing design thinking – mixing creativity with technical knowledge – into the entire application development process we create outcomes that delights users.

Do you do mobile application development?

Catalyte has the technical expertise and creative resources to build custom mobile applications for web, iOS and Android, extending your reach to your customers. We understand the design decisions and UX concerns that can make or break a mobile experience, and how best to build and leverage back end services without disrupting the front end. Our established practices and understanding of app store deployment and review process ensure a successful and timely launch and support ongoing release management.

Can we do analytics from our application?

Data can’t be an afterthought in application development. We design and build applications with an understanding of data types, reporting and analytics that are critical to the application’s success. We start by uncovering the questions we want to answer, and work backwards to determine how best to obtain that data that will answer those questions without being a burden or privacy risk for users.


Whether it’s understanding how user demographics affect content preferences, predicting usage spikes based on historical patterns or how external forces and events can affect application usage and purchasing patterns, we will help you establish and implement a data strategy that leads to success.

How do you handle QA and application security?

Our application development practices start with security and DevOps. We build in security at every step using least privileged access. We ensure your data is encrypted at rest and in transit, and we ensure the APIs are sufficiently locked down to accomplish only what they need to. Our DevOps philosophy is to automate as much as possible. That includes the application development infrastructure and development tools. We automate the deployment of code through CI/CD pipelines to minimize issues with release management.

Client Success stories

We help organizations achieve more

Here are just some of the examples of how we’ve helped clients attain application development success.

Additional solutions
Our experts connect strategy to outcomes, helping your organization become more efficient and productive.
Extract value and insights from your systems, and drive business performance with faster, more intelligent data analysis.
Our consultants help you create the right cloud strategy. Our architects build you a system that delivers.
We understand the human element of your organization and create systems that enable their success.

Start developing
right now.

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